Monday, November 16, 2009

Bacteria help?

Any information you know for sure would be greatly appreciated. Below is a list of bacteria. If you can answer any of the questions about the bacteria, (farther below) that would help, or maybe a website that will help me? Please label the bacteria and questions you answer. You do NOT have to answer all of them cause I know its a lot...just please help with what you know. Iv'e been researching them as well, but I have a list of about 60 to find...Thank you!


Klebsiella pneumoniae

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Treponema Pallidum (syphillis)

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Borrellia burgdorferi

Sprillum voltans

Clostridium Perfingens

Questions to answer about each:

1) What is the species reaction to Gram's staining method?

2) Is the species pathogenic?

3) Symtoms?

4) Treatment?

5) Mode of transportation ( ex. fecal contamination of food/water)

6) Does it make endospores

7) When grown on an agar plate, what is the colony shape/color

8) Does it produce an enzyme/toxin

Bacteria help?
B. burgdoferi: Neither G+ or G-, yes, bulls-eye rash; joint pain; flu-like symptoms, antibiotics, tick-borne, no, doesn't grow well in culture, don't know about toxins

T. palladium: Neither, yes, chancre on genitalia; rash; dementia in last stage, antibiotics, sexually transmitted, no, not sure about colony morphology, no toxins
Reply:a lot of questions.. sorry i do not know.. i'd suggest google..
Reply:ummm... what?

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