Friday, November 20, 2009

Treatment for IBS: Bad and good bacteria ignored ?

Treatment for IBS: Bad and good bacteria ignored ?

Logic should suggest that IBS is caused by bad bacteria in your intestinal system, or colon. In fact logic would suggest that these bacteria often called "parasites" can be responsible for many diseases, like Crohns, MS, Schizophrenia and Cancer.

For decades 'ulcers' were of unknown origin, and eventually it was proven that a bacteria was the cause.

I might suggest a treatment involves three components. (Do your own research using the key words 'herbal treatments for parasites}

1. Anti-parasite. (garlic cloves are the best, (ginger, etc)

2. Fiber (to cleanse)

3. Probiotics (good bacteria found in yogurt and saurerkraut)

The question is why have these simple cause and effects, and treatments been ignored.

It appears the most obvious is ignored but why ? Is there a conspiracy to withhold the most obvious ?

Treatments for IBS Link.

Caesar J. B. Squitti

Treatment for IBS: Bad and good bacteria ignored ?
IBS is more often Celiac Disease misdiagnosed as IBS. IBS is a common label when doc's basically dont know what it is. Celiac is an extremely under and misdiagnosed disease that is easily treatable by gluten free diet. If everyone with IBS would go get tested for CD, I imagine the numbers of IBS would change majorly!! It would become apparent that's its truly CD.

Testing for CD is easy. Blood tests, endoscopies and the gluten free diet is easy, andonce you are diagnosed and go GF you will feel amazing. (I do not recommend going GF without doc's approval.)

1 in 133 ppl have CD. 97% of them dont know it.

Chairperson CSA support group
Reply:Isn't gluten in everything? Report It

Reply:i have severe ibs, and i can barely find anything to eat

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