Saturday, April 24, 2010

About all of these bacteria caused diseases.?

I think, and this is just my opinion, that all of these diseases.that are caused by bacteria, such as MRSA get there start from us making soap with more bacteria stopping stuff, or air freshener that "traps" bacteria. That only makes the bacteria evolutionize and get stronger, adapting to the environment they are in is something they do, as well as us. I'm jsut saying, has anyone else thought about that?

About all of these bacteria caused diseases.?
Antibacterials certainly can make for resistant bacteria, but only use or overuse of antibiaotics can make for "superbugs" like MRSA.

It is best to use some plain old soap to wash up. I like Ivory myself.
Reply:yes I agree with you, you have a good point.
Reply:Your absolutely right!

The over use and misuse of antibiotics have helped create "super bugs" as well as the use of "antibacterial" cleaning agents.

When we don't take all of our antibiotics as prescribed, some of the non eradicated bacteria develops a resistance to the antibiotic.

Ordinary good handwashing tecniques with regular soap and water is all we really need.

Also, if people would practice good handwashing after using the bathroom a lot of illnesses could be cut down as well.

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