Monday, November 16, 2009

More Bacteria!?

Any information you know for sure would be greatly appreciated. Below is a list of bacteria. If you can answer any of the questions about the bacteria, (farther below) that would help. Please label the bacteria and questions you answer. You do NOT have to answer all of them cause I know its a lot...just please help with what you know. Iv'e been researching them as well, but I have a list of about 30 to find...Thank you!


Klebsiella pneumoniae

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Sprillum voltans

Clostridium Perfingens

Questions to answer about each:

1) What is the species reaction to Gram's staining method?

2) Is the species pathogenic?

3) Symtoms?

4) Treatment?

5) Mode of transportation ( ex. fecal contamination of food/water)

6) Does it make endospores

7) When grown on an agar plate, what is the colony shape/color

8) Does it produce an enzyme/toxin

Thanks to everyone who helped so far! You guys are all lifesavers!

More Bacteria!?
i have absolutely no idea
Reply:each of these bacteria have their own wikipedia page, do ur own homework! ;-)

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